RC Pro / RC Plus <-> MSDK5 app



3 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Client Thank you for contacting DJI. 1. is it really impossible to connect them to an external Android device with a MSDK app ? --》 RC PRO and RC PLUS cannot recognize external Android devices and cannot establish a connection. 2. do they have the ability to create a wifi hotspot ? Thus the MSDK app can discuss with the heavy compute app 3. if not, can they connect to a local wifi network ? Same goal, having the MSDK app discuss with the heavy compute app -->These two remote controllers do not provide an option to open a wifi hotspot, but they can connect to wifi provided by other devices. Thank you. Kindly Regards, DJI Developer Support
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  • Th Lsct

    Thanks, that answers my question

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  • DJI Developer Support
    I'm glad to have answered your questions.
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