上云API docker部署,在配置了config.ts后 执行sh update_front.sh 时报错,更换国内镜像也无法访问
Dear Developer, Hello and thank you for reaching out to DJI Innovations. To use IDEA to open the project and globally replace the mirror source with `registry.npmmirror.com` We hope that our solution meets your needs satisfactorily. We appreciate your email and wish you a wonderful day! Best Regards, DJI Innovations SDK Technical Support Team -
尊敬的开发者, 您好,感谢您联系DJI 大疆创新。 见附图报错信息,没有全局替换。idea打开项目ctrl+shift+r进行全局镜像源替换重新执行update_front.sh。 原镜像地址registry= https://registry.nlark.com/替换为:registry=https://registry.npmmirror.com/ 或其他可公开访问npm源 希望我们的解决方案能够帮到您,感谢您的邮件,祝您生活愉快! Best Regards, DJI 大疆创新SDK技术支持 -
If you're having npm build problem. I suggest you remove the package-lock.json and yarn.lock. Also please update the value on .npmrc to "registry=https://registry.npmmirror.com/"
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