[SDK 5.8.0] BUG - Pitch angle incorrect after mission stop
The pitch angle is set to -51/-52 instead of -89, on the first point of the 2nd mission, to reproduce:
- Start a new waypoint mission.
- Stop the waypoint mission (not fully complete).
- Start a new waypoint mission.
On the 2nd mission, the first point will be reached with pitch angle of -52 instead of -89 (as represented in the WPML file).
The problem is consistently reproducible, we tested with different drones.
The solution to that problem, is either fully completing the first mission or restarting the drone.
Please test it on your end!
Thank you
Could you please provide us with the kmz files where this issue is consistently occurring? Here is the upload link:https://pan-sec.djicorp.com/s/X6Far7NDRcQeQR5 password:dji123 -
If we start a mission, the 2nd waypoint will be reached with a pitch angle of -89.
If we stop the mission after few waypoints were reached (on the 4th waypoint for example), wait for drone to land and then start that mission again, the 2nd waypoint will be reached with a pitch angle of -52/-51 instead of -89.
If we finish the first mission instead of stopping it, or if we restart the aircraft before starting the 2nd mission, the 2nd waypoint on the 2nd mission will be reached with a correct pitch angle of -89
I have uploaded my test video at this address. I have not been able to replicate your issue on the Mavic 3 Enterprise series. https://pan-sec.djicorp.com/s/X6Far7NDRcQeQR5 password:dji123 I removed a portion of waypoints from your file and adjusted the positions of the waypoints. The waypoint positions should not affect the performance of the gimbal rotation. -
Thank you for conducting the test!
However, this is not the same scenario as our test.
In our test, the drone will go home and land after the mission finishes.
This is an important step!
Can you try to perform the same test as you did but only set the finishAction to "goHome", and wait until the drone lands before starting another mission?
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