Cloud API - JSBridge - Live Streaming Module - liveshareSetConfig error



3 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. Please make sure your live streaming parameters, especially the rtmp_url, are correct and accessible from the remote controller. Please send us the error message you are receiving. Best Regards, DJI SDK Technical Support
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  • gio2375


    yes, I confirm that the url rtmp:// is correct because if I set it manually on remote app it works. Also, if I set it manually, stop the stream, left the url setted and after that I modify the login page replacing the commad

            var register_params_live_rtmp = JSON.stringify({
                           url: "rtmp://"
            window.djiBridge.liveshareSetConfig(type: 2, params: register_params_live_rtmp);


    and return in login page, it works.

    As I wrote, this command doesn't return me an error:

    try {
            window.djiBridge.liveshareSetConfig(type: 2, params: register_params_live_rtmp);
    } catch (error) {
              log("Error: "+error);

    I don't know why, siply stop and doesn't go haead. Do you confirm the sintax of liveshareSetConfig method?

    As futher information, if i send this command:

      "tid": "1c37e92d-2866-45b7-bebf-529c32e18e4437",
      "bid": "6370eff0-7986-4733-92ad-f539cb1e44e719",
      "method": "live_start_push",
      "data": {
        "url_type": 1,
        "url": "rtmp://",
        "video_id": "1ZNBJAU00C000V/39-0-7/normal-0",
        "video_quality": 0

    on mqtt server on topic thing/product/4LFCL9F006L3K3/services, a voice on remote controller side warn me that the streamming is started but it doesn't really start.

    Thanks for your help.


    评论操作 固定链接
  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. on mqtt server on topic thing/product/4LFCL9F006L3K3/services, a voice on remote controller side warn me that the streamming is started but it doesn't really start. ——> 1. After sending the request to start the live broadcast, the result was successful, right? For example, result=0. However, the live broadcast content cannot be seen on the platform? 2. Could you please provide the firmware version and parameters used? Best Regards, DJI SDK Technical Support
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