PSDK 利用 Joystick 控制垂直高度问题
已完成文档说控制高度时,只支持0~120m ,当无人机从一个高点起飞,想要飞到一个低点,是不是就不能使用 DJI_FLIGHT_CONTROLLER_VERTICAL_POSITION_CONTROL_MODE,只能使用垂直速度控制
/*** @brief Vertical control mode in joystick mode enum* @note We suggest developers do not use VERTICAL_POSITION control mode indoor when your UAV flight height is larger than 3 meters.* This is because in indoor environments, barometer can be inaccurate, and the vertical controller may fail to keep* the height of the UAV.*/typedef enum {/*** @brief Set the control-mode to control the vertical speed of UAV, upward is positive/* @note Limit: -5m/s to 5 m/s*/DJI_FLIGHT_CONTROLLER_VERTICAL_VELOCITY_CONTROL_MODE = 0,
/*** @brief Set the control-mode to control the height of UAV* @note Limit: 0m to 120 m*/DJI_FLIGHT_CONTROLLER_VERTICAL_POSITION_CONTROL_MODE = 1,
/*** @brief Set the control-mode to directly control the thrust* @note Range: 0% to 100%*/DJI_FLIGHT_CONTROLLER_VERTICAL_THRUST_CONTROL_MODE = 2,} E_DjiFlightControllerVerticalControlMode;dji_flight_controller.h 文件中
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