Unknown error code on start of WaypointV2 mission



7 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear NV, We appreciate your patience. Error code 10036 indicates that the distance between your waypoints is too close. Kindly review the settings of your waypoint mission to ensure there are no overlapping points.
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  • NV

    Thanks for the quick response.

    If I see it correctly, my waypoints do not overlap. Do you have any information about the minimum distance between waypoints?

    Kind regards

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear NV, For the waypoints, please ensure that the distance between each point is greater than 0.5 meters. Additionally, kindly review the waypoint file. If the number of uploaded waypoints is less than the total initialized waypoints, this error may also occur.
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  • NV

    Thanks for that info.

    I figured out that I mistakenly supplied coordinates in radians instead of degrees. However, after changing to degrees, I get the error code 0x230001001b (signifying “DJI_ERROR_WAYPOINT_V2_MODULE_RAW_CODE_TRAJ_INIT_INVALID_REF_POINT”) already during UploadMission.

    What is this initial reference point?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear NV, The "Initial Reference Point" serves as the starting point, which corresponds to the startPoint in DjiTest_WaypointV2GeneratePolygonWaypointV2.
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  • NV

    I use custom code for waypoint generation. But, looking into the code of DjiTest_WaypointV2GeneratePolygonWaypointV2 again, I notice that latitude/longitude seem to be radians all along? Can you confirm that waypoint.latitude/longitude needs to be given in radians? In dji_waypoint_v2_type.h the unit is stated as meters (https://github.com/dji-sdk/Payload-SDK/blob/51d8261d625c88bf6fadc7743025cbfc8fdc1e55/psdk_lib/include/dji_waypoint_v2_type.h#L289)

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear NV, Thank you for your patience. We would like to confirm that the latitude and longitude coordinates set in the waypoint mission you mentioned are in radians. If you require them in degrees, they will need to be converted again.
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