Drone crashed | M3T | MSDK 5.8


6 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    Greetings! The information provided may not be sufficient to explain the aircraft's flight trajectory. Do you have access to the user's waypoint mission file? Can this file reliably reproduce the issue? Sensor errors can indeed affect the aircraft's performance. If the issue cannot be reliably reproduced with the user's mission file, I recommend contacting support@dji.com to request an analysis of this incident.
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  • Jonathan Gabbay

    Yes, I see you are new here, welcome!

    I have access to the WMPL file, provide me an upload link and I will share it with you.

    The WPML file is perfectly fine though.

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  • Jonathan Gabbay

    How can I check for sensors errors before / during the flight? What sensors is this error referring to?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    If you have confirmed that WPML is not the issue and you can use this information to successfully start the waypoint mission, I suggest reaching out to support@dji.com and analyzing the issue from an aircraft execution perspective. If your code or waypoint file is causing the execution issue, it is likely to be reproducible. DeviceHealthManager continuously pushes health information of the device. When you encounter sensor anomalies, you will receive the message "Sensor system error." For IMU and compass, the SDK can monitor their status. IMU status can be monitored using FlightControllerKey.KeyIMUStatus, and compass anomalies can be checked using FlightControllerKey.KeyCompassHasError.
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  • Jonathan Gabbay

    The status retrieved by those keys was ok, I will contact support, thank you

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  • DJI Developer Support
    I am glad that I could help you.
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