DJI CloudAPI 1.9.0 versioning



27 条评论

  • Neil Young

    Disregard please

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  • DJI Developer Support
    WebRTC is a standard protocol, so there isn't a dedicated manual for it specifically. The changes to the backend project structure are intended to facilitate easier secondary development for some developers based on this example.
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  • Neil Young

    WebRTC is indeed a standard, signaling not. You are supporting WHIP since 1.9.0, which is good. You are not supporting secure WHIP, which is bad. 

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  • DJI Developer Support
    SRS currently doesn't support HTTPS, but rest assured, we do have HTTPS enabled for Dolby.
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  • Neil Young

    SRS does support HTTPS, your information is wrong.

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  • Neil Young

    > but rest assured, we do have HTTPS enabled for Dolby.

    BTW: Your suggestion sounds like: Our car has only 3 wheels, but rest assured, in order to get 4 wheels you can buy yourself a Mercedes Benz

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  • DJI Developer Support
    You can submit your requirements at the following link, and we will forward them to our development team for investigation.
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  • DJI Developer Support
    I'm sorry, I misspoke. The current SRS on the dock does not support HTTPS.
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  • Neil Young

    > I'm sorry, I misspoke. The current SRS on the dock does not support HTTPS.

    This is not the only flaw. As far as I can see SRS is also not supported in Pilot2 and there are no plans to change that.


    > You can submit your requirements at the following link, and we will forward them to our development team for investigation.

    Nah, this is wasted effort. I'm not going through this revolving door anymore

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  • Jonathan Gabbay

    Neil Young

    I went over your comments and posts, here and on Github, they are hilarious, thank you!

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  • DJI Developer Support
    I apologize for the confusion earlier. Currently, our dock supports WebRTC + HTTPS only for Dolby. As for SRS, it doesn't support WebRTC + HTTPS on the dock just yet. The reason Dolby has HTTPS functionality is that we previously received requests from users, hence the dock enables the use of HTTPS features on Dolby specifically. Regarding your request for SRS, we've already communicated it to our R&D team, but there isn't a current plan in place for this feature. After you submit your requirement, we'll certainly pass it along to our development team and request them to evaluate the feasibility of adding this feature. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!
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  • DJI Developer Support
    For the issue you've raised on GitHub, we've already forwarded it to our R&D team. However, it's worth mentioning that the primary purpose of the demo design is to serve as a reference for developers, which means this particular issue might not be addressed with the highest priority. Nonetheless, your feedback is valuable to us, and we appreciate your contribution!
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  • Neil Young

    > However, it's worth mentioning that the primary purpose of the demo design is to serve as a reference for developers, which means this particular issue might not be addressed with the highest priority. 

    Of course, yes, I didn't expect that. I just was expecting _some_ response in time. Other than that, I think to remember, that CloudAPI is advertised with the slogan "Why inventing the wheel twice?" and that you are claiming to make developer's life easier by providing 99% of the tasks already and the particular drone developer just has to do some re-branding and H5 stuff. 

    Turns out - not the case. No surprise BTW, I'm used to see that kind of banana-ware from DJI

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  • DJI Developer Support
    I'll make sure to pass along your suggestion to the relevant team members. If there are any updates on this, I'll swing back here and update my response in this post.
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  • DJI Developer Support
    Sorry about that! Our provided demo code is merely for your reference and inspiration, so feel free to edit and build upon it to suit your needs. We've already gathered and are currently evaluating the issue within our team. Also, when we say the Cloud API helps avoid reinventing the wheel, we mean it's relatively easier to use the Cloud API compared to developing apps with MSDK when it comes to customizing the push of data to the cloud.
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  • Neil Young

    It's ok. It is what it is and I have to deal with it

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Thank you for your understanding, even though demos aren't at the top of our priority list right now. But , if there's anything wrong with the Cloud API protocol itself, feel free to shoot us a message anytime, and we'll happily take care of it for you!
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  • Neil Young

    What exactly are you defining as CloudAPI protocol?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    For example, issues like the data format of MQTT messages and response data.
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  • Neil Young

    No please not "for instance". What parts exactly do you count to your CloudAPI?

    - The frontend and backend what you call "demo" obviously not, if I read your comments 

    - The database handling?

    - The REST AP?

    - ?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    When we refer to the 'Cloud API' portion, we're talking about the section described in the Cloud API documentation itself. Specifically, we mean the 'API Reference' part highlighted within the attached document.
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  • Neil Young

    OK, but this is heavily depending on database operation and backend services. So you can't just say, you made that all "just for reference". At least not the backend. The entire CloudAPI is for bin, if the backend doesn't work exactly as it is supposed to work in your code. Hence you are obliged to care about functionality issues, at least with the backend. And not only lean back and say it wasn't meant like so.

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  • Neil Young

    Otherwise you force developers to "reinvent the wheel".

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  • DJI Developer Support
    If you encounter any issues on the backend, you can also provide us with feedback. We will forward it to our development team for assessment and resolution.
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  • Neil Young

    I did. Nothing noticeable happened

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  • DJI Developer Support
    We have collected your questions and submitted them to our R&D colleagues.
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  • Neil Young


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