Virtual stick - uneven force
We implemented virtual stick control in our application.
We noticed that aircraft flies in a curve line when trying to fly from point to point.
10 times a second, we calculate the angle to destination point and using that angle we set roll and pitch respectively, and send to correct params.
We conducted the following test:
Using RollPitchControlMode.ANGLE and FlightCoordinateSystem.GROUND
Trying to fly the aircraft in a straight line, in angle -158.
We save the startLocation=currentLocation, AFTER aircraft ascended.
The params:
double angle = Math.toRadians(-158);
double pitch = (Math.cos(angle) * -1) * ROLL_PITCH_CONTROL_MAX_ANGLE;
double roll = (Math.sin(angle)) * ROLL_PITCH_CONTROL_MAX_ANGLE;
We send the params 10 times per second:
sendVirtualStickAdvancedParam(pitch, roll...)
After 10 seconds, we stop the aircraft and calculate the angle between the currentLocation and startLocation.
The calculated angle is -149, instead of -158.
Doing the same test, with an angle of 45 instead of -158, calculating the angle at the end of the flight - we get 45, which is fine.
So, when the roll and pitch forces are equal, the results are OK, otherwise, they are not.
We made sure that it's not a rounding issue and that sqrt(pitch^2+roll^2) = 1
I hope my explanation is understandable.
We ask for further assistance, thank you
We tested with RollPitchControlMode set to VELOCITY - we still get a curve, but this time the curve is reversed (on the other side of the line)
double xVelocity = Math.sin(angle);
double yVelocity = Math.cos(angle);
virtualStickFlightControlParam.setRoll(yVelocity*ROLL_PITCH_CONTROL_MAX_VELOCITY);Again, we calculate the angle and send those params 10 times a second.
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