USB to Ethernet Adapter for native LAN connectivity



14 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. Sorry, the use of PSDK still needs to be used with the SkyportV2 expansion board or X-Port. You can buy the AX88179A network card, which is verified. You can refer to the following articles: PSDK 3.3版本USB通信链路的优化 M30/T,M3E机型PSDK端口USB 网卡设置 Thank you for your support of DJI products. Best Regards, DJI Dajiang innovation SDK technical support
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  • Jarno Puff

    Hi, I think is not correct, as this user connected it to the E-Port, from what I understood:

    What are the steps to connect the AX88179A network card on the E-Port and start communication with a Linux computer via Ethernet?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. As communicated in another work order, you mentioned that users need to design their own hardware based on the pin definitions disclosed by E-Port to connect, because E-Port is not a standard TypeC interface and cannot be used directly. Thank you for your support of DJI products. Best Regards, DJI Dajiang innovation SDK technical support
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  • Jarno Puff

    This doesn't answer my main question.

    What are the steps to connect the AX88179A network card on the E-Port and start communication with a Linux computer via Ethernet?

    It is not clear to me, how to assign a IPv4 address to the drone when the adapter is connected. The drone is the host, so it needs to get an IP address.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. I have shared an article with you before, which actually contains an introduction. 1. First, you need to know the VID and PID information of your USB network card module. You can link the USB network card to the Linux system, then use the lsusb command to view the PID VID, and then fill it in the hal_network.h file of the PSDK. 2. Select the (2) link in the dji_sdk_config.h file. 3. If there is no problem with your network hardware, PSDK can run normally at this time. > How to assign an IPv4 address to the drone after connecting the adapter. As a host, the drone needs to obtain an IP address. > Are you referring to the operation of the router in this part? Sorry, we found no relevant information because the number of developers using this method is too small and we did not receive more relevant information. PSDK 3.3版本USB通信链路的优化 Thank you for your support of DJI products. Best Regards, DJI Dajiang innovation SDK technical support
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  • Jarno Puff

    I got no link to the article, just "PSDK 3.3版本USB通信链路的优化 "

    The USB to Ethernet adapter will be connected with the USB on the E-Port of the drone. The Ethernet port to the Linux computer. 

    "How to assign an IPv4 address to the drone after connecting the adapter. As a host, the drone needs to obtain an IP address. > Are you referring to the operation of the router in this part?"

    No, if you connect a USB to Ethernet adapter direct on the E-Port's USB interface, the drone needs to provide a IP address, other wise how do I can ping the drone from the Linux host?


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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. Sorry, this may be a system failure. You can refer to this article: If you want to know the address assigned by the drone after connecting to the drone, you can add printing to this function: DjiPayloadCamera_GetVideoStreamRemoteAddress It's in the test_payload_cam_emu_base.c file. Thank you for your support of DJI products. Best Regards, DJI Dajiang innovation SDK technical support
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  • Jarno Puff

    Ok, now it works. Unfortunately I don't speak Chinese and there is a screenshot. Could do you send a link to this text or translate it for me?

    Another question: Using this method, I can avoid using the UART for Flight Control?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. 2、Unfortunately, the flight control function must rely on Uart communication, and you cannot use links other than Uart to control the drone flight. Thank you for your support of DJI products. Best Regards, DJI Dajiang innovation SDK technical support
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  • Jarno Puff

    Thanks! That helped :-)

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  • Jarno Puff

    Last question: It is possible to connect a USB LTE Dongle in order to control the drone via LTE? I know DJI sells a 4G Dongle in Chine. What if we would like to develop our own USB 4G Dongle? 

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. Is it possible to connect USB LTE Dongle to Controlling a drone via LTE? Controlling flight requires you to run PSDK or MSDK. Sorry, our two SDKs currently do not support this. If you need to develop a 4G module on your device, this may not have much to do with our SDK. We can help you analyze and solve the coupling problems caused by adapting to the PSDK, but the development work may require you to do it yourself. Done, sorry as this part is beyond our support scope. Thank you for your support of DJI products. Best Regards, DJI Dajiang innovation SDK technical support
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  • Jarno Puff

    Should I open a new ticket specific for the 4G module?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. Do you want to inquire about 4G module development related issues? This part of the development work is not directly related to DJI's SDK, so it may be difficult for us to provide you with technical support. If you want to inquire about purchasing or parameters, you can send an email to Thank you for your support of DJI products. Best Regards, DJI Dajiang innovation SDK technical support
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