Visualizing Transmitted/Received Data on M300 Remote Controller Using PSDK and Raspberry Pi 3B



3 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. Sorry, maybe due to the translation software, my understanding may not be accurate. Do you want, for example, PSDK to send a string and display it in a component or small window on RC? Thank you for your support of DJI products. Best Regards, DJI Dajiang innovation SDK technical support
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  • Narimane


    Yes I want to do what you said exactly 

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. In this case, Pilot may not be able to fully meet your needs, because Pilot is an officially developed app and you cannot modify it. You can use components to display it. You can refer to the components section. If you want to display it in a floating window, you can learn about MSDK, which is an app framework and sample program that you can write yourself. Thank you for your support of DJI products. Best Regards, DJI Dajiang innovation SDK technical support
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