Can we increase the Sampling Frequency for Telemetry Data (Current longitude, latitude, height, attitude_head)



6 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    There is no way to modify the frequency of data reporting with the Cloud API. In addition to MSDK, PSDK also provides a higher frequency of data reporting.
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  • Pegasus Mak

    But DJI Dock seems support Cloud SDK only. If the Drone Paired with DJI Dock, can we still use MSDK or PSDK?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    MSDK and PSDK cannot be used, because now DOCK only supports Cloud API.
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  • Chris

    It's clear that many integrators have been requesting this particular feature for quite some time, and it's disheartening that DJI hasn't been more receptive to these requests.

    The potential benefits of incorporating higher resolution data and enabling all types of integrations just from the MQTT side. It would not only enhance the overall user experience but also foster a more vibrant ecosystem of integrations and applications.

    Moreover, the absence of seemingly basic functionalities, such as identifying the active lens, is indeed perplexing. These are fundamental aspects that contribute to a seamless user experience and can significantly impact the utility of DJI products for integrators and enthusiasts alike.

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  • Pegasus Mak

    They may reserve high resolution to FlightHub. Same as Cloud API isn't support secure video connection (RTSPS and RTMPS).

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  • DJI Developer Support
    We are aware of your needs and will communicate with the developers.
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