Obstacle Data Listener



3 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    mini3pro currently MSDK5.3.0 does not support obtaining obstacle avoidance data, so the value you get is 0 or null
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  • InfoSystems

    Any news about it? Having the same problem.

    Really not good this hidden limitations in MDSK. I see in other topics that supposedly we don´t have this kind of limitation

    I see that DJI Fly can get avoidance data.

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  • Sergio Mesa

    A similar situation happened to me with a Mavic 3 Enterprise

    PerceptionManager.getInstance().getRadarManager().addObstacleDataListener(data ->
    Log.d(Const.TAG, "radarObstacleDataListener: " + data.toString()));

    The app gives me the following response in the logcat:

    radarObstacleDataListener: ObstacleData{horizontalObstacleDistance=[], upwardObstacleDistance=0, downwardObstacleDistance=0, horizontalAngleInterval=0}

    These values never change and the only time they are generated is when you start the application.

    Should these values change if I move my hand closer and further away from the sensors?

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