
12 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    There are no other demos available for MSDK V5. Is the empty project(https://pan-sec.djicorp.com/s/iHa8oWTHTE8abAY) provided in this question not working? From the error message, it seems that the IDE you are using does not use version 1.6 of the kotlin plugin to compile the project, but continues to use version 1.4. You can try clearing the cache (build->clean project) and restarting the project (file ->invalidate and restart).
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  • Neil Young

    Can't say that. Your link is not working :)

    The IDE is the latest AS Eel or so from Jan 23. 

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  • DJI Developer Support
    You might want to try the Android studio mentioned in the tutorial to try to run the demo. ![](https://djisdksupport.zendesk.com/attachments/token/6V8bIpltq1EhKaiW4ZHsPkhDF/?name=image.png) If you are using the latest Android studio compilation,it is possible to encounter some problems, for example kotlin-android-extensions is deprecated and Google recommends using ViewBinding. We will feed your case to the team, but upgrading dependency versions is sometimes not an easy task, especially if SDK has internal dependencies on other internal libraries. If you want to use Java development, you can use MSDK V5 in your Java projects after understanding how to use it.
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  • Neil Young

    Right. If you would be so kind as to check this thread https://github.com/dji-sdk/Mobile-SDK-Android-V5/issues/74 then you might see, that we already came to this conclusion. I even went down to the AS version suggested by Wiliam (Android 4.2.1), but in the end there were still problems with UXSDK and a pretty unclear Kotlin version mismatch, which could not be resolved, even on a clean install of Ubuntu 20.04 an AS.

    I gave up then, also because I don't really need UXSDK. I just need to acquire the YUV video from a camera and I hope I will be able to do that w/o having to mess with UXSDK.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    You can use it without any worries. Getting YUV data does not involve UXSDK module, only MSDK interfaces.
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  • Neil Young

    Good news :)

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  • Neil Young

    One additional question regarding UXSDK: I think I have read somewhere, that you are treating this as somehow outdated and that you are having a replacement for this. Is this true? If so, is there any documentation?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Are you referring to UXSDK V5? At this moment, our team is still discussing UXSDK and MSDK upgrades, so I can't give you an exact answer. In fact, UXSDK V5 is an open source module developed using MSDK V5, so it has no usage documentation.
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  • Neil Young

    Hm. Disregard please. I can't deal with any of these mentioned items, never used it so far (and will hopefully never have to use it)

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  • DJI Developer Support
    You can build your own widgets without using the UXSDK, which can be used as a reference.
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  • Neil Young

    Well, guys, I doubt that. I doubt, that I will be able to roll a simple video stream app in minutes, as it was possible with the DJI 4 SDK: Clone the sample repo and done.

    Look, your documentation is very sparse, pretty much useless in many ways.

    I read here how simple it is to obtain video:


    It looks like as I would have to start just by calling "getAvailableStreamSources". Now I have to learn (the really hard way, since I have not such a drone, I need to roll an app, the app needs to be installed 7000 km away and I get the logs), that I have to wait for "ProductKey.KeyConnection and the CameraKey.KeyConnection" (https://github.com/dji-sdk/Mobile-SDK-Android-V5/issues/77#issuecomment-1442714732)...

    So what did I oversee?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    We have given flowcharts for getting video streams and live streaming, it should help you. You can read these tutorials in conjunction with the MSDK v5 API documentation. Get the video stream:https://developer.dji.com/doc/mobile-sdk-tutorial/en/tutorials/video-stream.html Live stream:https://developer.dji.com/doc/mobile-sdk-tutorial/en/tutorials/live-stream.html It is important to note that the page of the live streaming feature must display the content of the stream.
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