DJISDKManager.SDKManagerCallback onComponentChange() does not return remote controller key for M210 when switching drones between M210 and M300



5 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    Seems like a bug comes from when chaning from M300 RC to M210 RC. But this is a very minor issue, by re-starting the app it should work. We will have a look but it is a very low priority issue. Can your provide me the model name of your M210 RC?
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  • Yujun Li

    The model name for M210 RC is GL800A

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  • DJI Developer Support
    It is working fine on my side. By the way, when you plug-in the cable, a window will pop up and ask you which app you want to connect with. After choosing the MSDK app, the MSDK app will restart and the onComponentChange is called.
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  • Yujun Li

    yeah, I did choose the MSDK app every time I connect to a drone, but onComponentChange only update when I not switching drones. 

    The issue is onComponentChange not updating M210 remote controller key when I connect to M300 first and reconnect to M210. And M210 onComponentChange updating remote controller key if I restart the app.

    So just wondering if there any way that I don't have to restart the app and getting M210 remote controller key? 

    Thank you!

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  • DJI Developer Support
    It works fine in my app, may I see your code?
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