IWaypointMissionManager#pushKMZFileToAircraft fails
已完成When calling pushKMZFileToAircraft IWaypointMissionManager for a kmz file located in the app's specific storage (i.e., no special permissions required to access - although in any case, external storage permissions have been granted), the following error is reported with SDK v5.2.0:
description: Mission file operate failed . Please check permission
What permission is the error referring to? What must be done to successfully push a KMZ? No SDK permissions are being blocked, and as mentioned previously, external storage permissions are granted. Testing with SDK v5.1.1, the same operation was also failing, although in that case with "file not exist" appearing in the logs.
Thank you for the response.
I am placing the kmz at a file location similar to what follows:/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.aaaa.bbbbbb/files/Some/Directory/Names/bbbbbb-60ef215f898b05870daf2f3f89173685.kmz
The application with the package name `com.aaaa.bbbbbb` should need no special permissions to access this file on Android 10; likewise for any code in Mobile SDKv5. Is it nevertheless necessary for the file to be located at a location where permissions would be required?
Thank you for your response.
I had created the kmz after following these instructions in the FAQ:Q: Wju the kmz file contains both kml and wpml files and their functionalities are similar?
A: If you are using DJI Pilot 2, your kmz must contain the template.kml file, you don't need the waylines.wpml file. The DJI Pilot 2 app will translate the template.kml file to the waylines.wpml file. The firmware will execute the waylines.wpml file only. If you are using MSDK V5, your kmz file must contain the waylines.wpml file. The firmware will execute the waylines.wpml file after the upload event. If you want to run your kmz file in both DJI Pilot 2 and MSDK V5 app, your kmz file must contain both template.kml and waylines.wpml files.
I understood this to mean that for MSDKV5 applications, only the waylines.wpml was necessary - template.kml would only be required if the same kmz file was expected to be opened with DJI Pilot 2. However, we have succeeded in uploading the kmz from our Android/data section by placing a template.kml file in the kmz. Is it correct to assume that the drone firmware will otherwise ignore the template.kml file?
The firmware still needs to check the existance of template.kml. So for MSDK app you can only write an empty template.kml file. Please read this article, https://sdk-forum.dji.net/hc/en-us/articles/12560010128153-How-to-write-an-empty-template-kml-file-
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