KMZ file problems



5 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    For the unknown state, you need to make sure there is no other MSDK app such as DJI Pilot 2 running background, you have to kill it before start your own app. Also, don't setup a waypointExecuteState as soon as the aircraft just connected, everything isn't initialised properly. This will block the change of the state but the waypointMission can run normally. If you find the altitude is different from simualtor and field. This is because you have state the executeHeightMode = WGS84 in your waylines.wpml file. It means your aircraft will use the ellipsoidal height, the simulator will have a ellipsoidal height as 100m. Change to relative to startPoiint will solve the issue, or adjust your height in your field.
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  • Godfrey from Hammer

    Thanks a lot for your reply, 
    I had make sure that pilot2 had been focus closed before start my application. And for the setup waypointExecuteState connect, is any callback i can check rather i can do the connect or not? ( but before i also try to change the connect status, it would be always before i start the mission) And for the executeHeightMode, thanks for your advice, i will try to change it, thanks a lot! 

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  • DJI Developer Support
    5.2.0, the unknown state issue will be optimised.
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  • Godfrey from Hammer

    I had try to use the executeHeightMode with relative to startPoiint, but the mission return null error. Is there have any other required parameter come with this changes? or is it possible i share my KMZ file for your to see is it have any problem ? 

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  • DJI Developer Support Please raise a tachnical help ticket with your kmz file. We will check the content in your kmz file.
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