GPS/GNSS Update Rate



3 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    There is no any doc specificly says the update rate of each sensor. The different sensor will have different update rate depends on their brand and manufacturer. All the data will be received and processed by the flightController. The flightController will put them into a message array and send them to MSDK according to our protocol. The protocol states that the callback function in MSDK is 10Hz.
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  • Rodrigo Cortestevez

    Thank you for your response. So for the mini 2, what is its update rate? Or even different drones from the same model might have different sensors? If so, could you share a link to a GPS receiver component that could be possibly used in a mini 2?
    Thank you.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    All callbacks in MSDk for all aircrafts are 10 Hz. The same model will obviously have the same hardware configuration. The components in the models are confidential to the public. Only the dev team of this product knows the specification of them. The only sepc we can open are listed on our website.
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