Camera "Function" and "Manager"
CompletedI have a few questions about Camera manager and Camera function:
1. Why are the camera functions split over these two "modules"? What is the difference?
2. I want to adjust the focalringvalue (part of function) and adjust aperture/shutterspeed/exposure (part of manager). Can I do these parallel? Both Manager and PayloadCamera Initialized.
3. The example for camera function is called "test_payload_cam_emu_*.c/h -> what does emu mean?
The PSDK 3.x version integrates the original OSDK functions and PSDK functions. OSDK is mainly for control functions, and PSDK is mainly for integrating third-party payload cameras. So camera manager is the camera control function in the original OSDK, camera emu is the third-party camera load integrated in the original PSDK gimbal port, and the emu sample is used to simulate a payload camera. Similarly, there are gimbal manager and gimbal emu. -
Thanks for your explanation. I have two follow-up questions:
1. Does that mean the camera function module (original PSDK) only is compatible with third party camera's? Specifically can I adjust the focal ring value using this module for a Zenmuse P1/H20 (as I can with the MSDK).2. Is this camera function module compatible with the Sony a7RM4a?
1、The original PSDK is used to integrate third-party payload cameras. Users cannot control the camera in other locations(camera manager function) , because OSDK and PSDK on the M300 are independent physical ports with different functions. In the new models such as the M30, the OSDK and PSDK are no longer distinguished. The payload developed by the PSDK can also control the camera on the M30. 2、As long as third-party payload cameras can be adapted to connect to skyport/X-PORT via UART and LAN, PSDK(camera emu) can be used for adaptation development.
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