When encountering the fdsan-related crashes in the crash path, such as android_fdsan_close_with_tag, fdsan_error, it indicates that the crash is caused by the fdsan mechanism. Here is the official documentation for fdsan: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bionic/+/master/docs/fdsan.md
Starting from Android 11, the fdsan mechanism has increased the default warning mode, changing from a warning in Android 10 to directly throwing errors. MSDK V5 has handled fdsan during adaptation, but some models may still be affected. A temporary solution is to lower the targetSDKVersion to 29 or below, or manually lower the warning mode of fdsan on the current device.
Version 5.8.0-a2 has a targeted adaptation for fdsan. We recommend updating to version 5.8.0-a2 or higher.
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